Well heroes,
I'v been recording how some of our heroes play and there are some just basic fundimental probelsm in there strategi point of this game... we seem to lack IMO what i like to do when i play with friends on N2D vent is what we call the Area Compression idea.. which is basically like group camping...
I plan on makeing a video thread so you guys better understand it but what would be better would be for next week if i got all of Broncos squad to come onto server all on vent and noone talking in chat unles sits a question so i can demonstrate what we would do as a team.
But since i cant make that now here is the basic concept...
So what you do is you find an area and compress miniature groups into certain areas
Map: CC
Area: Back Base
Situation:Nats are pushing to capture the base you start on from CC
Snipers: set up camp at places where they have coverage
Gunners: Stay with a parter(soldier) and operate an area near spawn and coverage so incase of an emergency you can get cover
Soldiers: This area is where i call the specialist work out of... on todays practice me and Paisa Played the roll of a specialist, we both stood by yellow house(which was good coverage and we had a gunner as back up incase we need a wall
) and we would bombard Windmill which the ants capped with andes and would peck off any strays who decided to stray and we owned that round big time! we had like a 20 level disadvantage that round too abut we still won 35-0
E.X. #2
Map: CC
Area: Lookout and Back base
Situation: We have an even match but we need to cap another base because we cant hold back them at Windmill...
Snipers: Go on your own and find a place where its empty and pick off any strays(this basically goes for all situations) but you HAVE to have a sniper at lookout to keep snipers from shooting at the open Soldiers
Gunners: You kepp our back base safe from getting taken by nats(keep one soldier there for backup) becuase at windmill they'll be getting owned and theyll evacuate
Soldiers: 2 of you will be playing a "specialist roll" meaning youll be at lookout working as a team takeing all that try to take tlookout and LR killing all at bridge trying to take royal back base... if a gunner rushes you ahve to keep him off lookout since odds are hell kill on of you so you need to buy time so your teamate can gspawn and help you out
That is for jsut CC theres another Example but its for backbase killing which we dont like to do as a clan...
please rate this idea you might have seen it first hand me and pais played the specialist Padd was a very good back up soldier and we had shiz as a sniper helping us out so pelase rate 1 to 10