okay, so the last week has been crazy with this (tag challenge), i mean really been a bit too much. i know it can be fun, but playing with people like munkychief, minjeandgary, etc. is getting out of control (which are my friends and i will try and keep them at bay from our games). not only that, but it seems to be carrying over into our clan. the whole 'staying on the other team to knife each other' needs to stop. i think tiger even touched on this before as well. when we have spots open and ask others to move over, you should do it.
when this is going on we tend to lose focus on the objectives and end up losing the round. i've heard several complaints from other members that the game isn't much fun because of this and i agree. i'm all for stealing tags from the public, but i'm getting tired of the 13 members trying to get each other. we are a clan to stick together, be tactical and win matches. if we are extremely bored and decide to break off and challenge each other, so be it. for the most part, we should be playing normal and winning matches on a team together.