To all Bad Company 2 players:
I'd like to formally introduce myself as the newly appointed Division Officer (DO) of the BC2 Division of the 13th MEU. Let me first say that this is not a position I will take lightly and as some of you may know from my SL days I take very seriously. With that said, I'd like to give you a little insight into who I am and what I expect from myself as well as all of you.
My name is Dustin, and I am a 29 year old native Texan. I have been married for 4 years and have a 9 month old son. I am also a graduate student studying online at Embry-Riddle University for my Masters in Aviation Science, in addition to working 40+ hours each week. Add to that the time constraints of being a father and husband you can realize my time is at a premium. With all that, I still find time to check the forums at least once sometimes twice a day and respond when appropriate. My play schedule is limited at best, but I make an effort to play on practice nights with the 360 squad.
My expectations:
First and foremost, have fun. If you are not having fun, playing this game then I would ask why you are playing it. There are those in the clan that have opted to take on additional responsibilities to just having fun and help run the squads and/or battalions. These individuals command a sign of respect and I expect you to afford it to them.
Second, I expect you to be ambassadors to the 13th and your squads. When you wear the [13] tag, you are associating yourself to us and as such, I expect you to conduct yourself in the highest possible manner. Also in doing so, you put yourself in the position to recruit fellow players by showing them what we are. Your conduct on the battlefield is the first thing other players will see when they show interest in joining. Ensure that you make a good impression.
Third, I expect you to treat your fellow members with the utmost respect, and demand the same from them. One thing I will not stand is bickering and in-fighting. If you have an issue with a fellow player, take it up with your SL or the next in chain of command.
To my squad staff and senior leaders, I expect you to be the eyes and ears of your respective squads. If something is going on you feel I should be aware of, let me know. I'd also like to hear from you regarding any ideas on potential recruiting methods. Any ideas are welcome, and don't necessarily have to be specific to your gaming platform.
We have the potential to be the strongest division the 13th has to offer. The upcoming release of Vietnam will certainly bring back many dormant players and bring in potential new ones as well. I'd like to see everyone do their part in recruiting new members.
I have always maintained an open door policy, should you have a concern please bring it to my attention before you post it to the general masses.
I look forward to working with everyone to make the BC2 division the best the 13th MEU has to offer.